Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Busy, lots of plans!

We  MOVED TO A GREAT PLACE! that has two ponds and two creeks.  We also have deer, bunnies, raccoons and coyotes and more,  My sister saw a buck and doe and I saw a raccoon.

On blog that I read,,  the girls have pictures of all of their pets. I am going to do it too. 

We have lots of chickadees here, I am going to try to hand feed them.  I am also making a fishing pole.  My Dad said that we may even get a PONY!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Kate!

    That's so amazing! We see a doe and her two fawns in a field behind our house, sometimes. One time, I saw 8 or 9 does and fawns! I've seen skunks around our place, but no raccoons. I hope you can hand-feed the chickadees! When you're done, you have to post pictures of your fishing pole!☺ And a pony? I'm so excited for you! That's really great.

    Have a fantastic day! I ♥ your blog, it's so fun to read.

    ~Your friend,

