Tuesday, September 3, 2013

More Friendly Miniatures - Back to School

I made some pencils and colored pencils with a mug for them to go in.

The difference between pencils and colored pencils.
A mug to store them in.
A ruler.
To make a pencil. I cut a toothpick to size,
and color the middle with a marker.
I got a pink high lighter to color the top
for an eraser. I got a black marker and colored the
point. I got some silver ribbon to glue on the eraser. So next, I paint it with clear nail polish.
Let it dry and you're done!

For a colored pencil, you color with a marker the whole thing
but not the point. Take the same marker and color the point
and you're done.
Most of these can be found on the youtube channel, MyFroggyStuff.


  1. Does it take you a long time to make all of these, Kate? You certainly have a good dose of patience to make them all so detailed and realistic. Brava!


  2. I can make stuff in less than an hour.
    Thank you!
