Sunday, April 22, 2012

Friendly Owls

Hi guys our laptop messed up so I haven't been able to post much. Now its fixed. I learned all the owls that live in our state. [BARN OWL] [EASTERN SCREECH OWL] [GREAT HORNED OWL] [LONG-EARED OWL] [NORTHERN SAW-WHET OWL] [SHORT-EARED OWL] [BARRED OWL] In fact there is a Barred Owl nest at our creek. I do not know where it is . But it is there because I hear it near the creek at night. I also hear the Eastern Screech Owl at night. Have a nice day! Love, Kate


  1. Dear Kate,
    That sounds fun! I am trying to hand feed sparrows! I hope it works!

    Love ~ T.Emily

  2. Hi Kate!

    Last year we had a Great Horned Owl nesting near us! And a few years ago I saw a barn owl. I hope you can find the nest!


  3. How neat, Kate!! Can't wait to hear.
